Welcome to Sunflower Day Nurseries/
Four separate Day Nurseries working together to maintain the highest possible standards of care for your children./
Sunflower Day Nursery at Courtenay Park, 10 minutes from Newton Abbot town centre, is a Grade II Listed Georgian building. The nursery is situated opposite the beautiful grounds of Courtenay Park, railway station and is close to local schools. It has been extensively converted specifically to provide a stimulating, warm and attractive environment and is furnished specifically to meet the needs of pre-school children. Room arrangements are appropriate to the children’s age group and both the furniture and equipment are child sized.
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FULL WEEK | £204.00 | £207.00 | £215.00 |
FULL DAY | £43.00 | £44.00 | £46.00 |
MORNING | £29.00 | £30.00 | £31.00 |
AFTERNOON | £27.50 | £28.50 | £29.50 |
EYEF HOURLY RATES | £4.90 | £4.06 | £5.50* |
*Top up hours will be charged for anything over the 30, 22.5, 15, 11 hours funded sessions. Including any additional hours on a morning or afternoon session.
*Children who attend for sessions covered by 2 year and 3yr old funding only, will continue to be charged for lunch at the rate of £3.00 and high tea at £1.75
*Parents can provide their own lunches/high tea (funded only) and will not be provided with or charged for food
We are GOOD according to OFSTED when we were last inspected on 22nd August 2018
Please see the report here:
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Sunflowers Courtenay Park, 19 Courtenay Park Rd, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2GZ/
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All parents need to complete a registration form to book a place at Nursery. Please collect this from the office or Nursery Manager. Please come and take a visit to the Nursery and ask questions to make sure we are right for your requirements
We ask that parents bring suitable clothing to the Nursery every day. We do spend a lot of time outside or at the park, and children will at times need boots, raincoats or sun hats in order for them to get that most from our outdoor areas. Please ensure that your child has some spare clothes with them each day, clearly named, please. Babies may need additional equipment that will be decided between you and the Key Worker at the time of settling.
Please telephone the Nursery as soon as possible if your child is sick and will not be attending on that day, as staff will be preparing for that child to be part of the day. We need to be aware of serious sickness that can spread easily in order to inform other parents. If your child has been sick or has had diarrhoea they will need to be kept away from the setting for at least 48 hours. This is advice given to us by the Health Protection Agency and actively helps us to manage these issues appropriately. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any fees for any days missed due to sickness as we will have already put staff in place for that child on that day.
You will receive an invoice before the first day of each month. Fees must be paid two weeks from this date. Fees can be paid by cheque or directly into the setting bank account: details from the respective Nursery. We discourage the use of cash.
We are happy to administer anything that has been prescribed by your Doctor. If your child has a condition that requires any specific intervention, it is essential that you talk to us at the beginning of your child’s time at Nursery so that we can get the appropriate medical advice and training for members of staff who would be working with your child. Of course, you will be expected to fill in forms confirming that you give permission for staff to administer medicine, each and every time you ask us to do so.
We are more than happy for parents to book extra days for their children with us as and when needed. We will do our best to fit your child in. Extra days can be booked through your Nursery Manager. You will be invoiced in the usual way.
We do our very best to make sure that parents are happy with our service. If there is something that you are unhappy about, please go straight to the Manager of the setting and they will do everything possible to sort out the issue.
All children have accidents and whilst we work hard to ensure your children are safe they will have bumps and bruises whilst playing. When this happens we will ask you to sign an accident form when collecting your child to say that you have been told about the accident. For more serious accidents we will, of course, contact you at the time. It is a policy of ours to make certain that parents do not come to the setting unaware that their child has had an accident, so we will endeavour to telephone you if we think it is a valid option.
Please inform Nursery staff if your child has had an accident before coming in on that day, we may ask you to complete a form.
Every child has a key worker who will be introduced to you during the settling in sessions or before if we visit you at your house on the home visit. The key workers’ role is to get to know you and your child. They will be the familiar person to you from the start if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child. Staff are always in the same rooms, and you will quickly get to know most of them.
2gether funding- application needs to be made via the children’s centre. Children’s information form (CIF) will be provided by the setting and a copy of the birth certificate will need to be provided when submitting your application. Funding can be claimed in the following ways full 11 hours per week over the year or 15 hours per week during term time only. At the beginning of each term, you will be asked to sign a Headcount Claim Form registering the number of hours per week you require.
Grants are only payable during term time and are not payable during holidays and half-term weeks.
More information can be found on the Devon County Councils website and the DFES website